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Are Carbon Monoxide Alarms Important?

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: How ADT Alarms Save Lives

Meta Description: Having a carbon monoxide alarm at home is a necessity. Read how ADT’s carbon monoxide alarm saves lives here.

Table of Contents:

·        What is Carbon Monoxide?

·        Why is Carbon Monoxide Poisonous?

·        How to Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

·        How Does Carbon Monoxide Alarms Work?

1.      Biometric Sensor

2.      Metal Oxide Semiconductor

3.      Electrochemical Sensor

·        ADT’s Carbon Monoxide Alarms

·        Final Thoughts

Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the biggest internet threats to us. This is because carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly. However, it’s very easy to avoid such a scenario with the help of carbon monoxide alarms.

ADT, one of the leading home security solution providers in the United States, offers carbon monoxide alarms as a part of its comprehensive home security equipment and services. In this article, let’s take a detailed look at what carbon monoxide is, what is carbon monoxide poisoning, and how can ADT alarms save lives in case there’s carbon monoxide leakage.

What is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that has no color or smell. This is the primary reason why carbon monoxide is impossible to detect with the naked eye. It’s produced when things burn, including fossil fuels, like petrol, diesel, coal, and other materials, like wood.

Exposure to carbon monoxide can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, which can result in health complications. Longer exposure can lead to fainting and even death.

Why is Carbon Monoxide Poisonous[TMU1] ?

In simple terms, carbon monoxide has a strong ability to bond with hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a compound in human bodies that is responsible for carrying oxygen to different parts of the body. When carbon monoxide bonds with hemoglobin, it changes its function and hemoglobin no longer carries oxygen. This results in your body parts not getting adequate oxygen.

If you’re alert, you may notice the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. Some of the early symptoms include headache, dizziness, vomiting, and shortness of breath. However, these symptoms are light and you need to be fully conscious to notice them in the first place.

Most of the time, people suddenly faint after prolonged exposure to the gas, and if not attended to in time, this may turn fatal. The heart, brain, and other organs that require the most oxygen are the ones affected the most in case of carbon monoxide exposure, and people with cardiovascular diseases or problems with their nervous system are the most at risk.

How to Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

Carbon monoxide poisoning usually happens when carbon monoxide is released and trapped inside a confined environment, like a room, house, office, etc. Detecting carbon monoxide without an alarm is impossible, given it has no taste, smell, or color. This is why having carbon monoxide alarms in homes, especially the ones that have chimneys, fireplaces, gas-powered heaters, etc, is necessary.

How Does Carbon Monoxide Alarms Work?

Carbon monoxide detectors are equipped with specific components that have the ability to detect the gas in the air. As soon as carbon monoxide is detected, it sends a signal to the sensors, that activates the CO alarm immediately.

There are three types of sensors used to detect carbon monoxide:

Biometric Sensor

Biometric sensors contain a certain gel that can detect carbon monoxide. When it does, it changes color, and the sensor triggers the alarm.

Metal Oxide Semiconductor

Metal oxide semiconductor sensors have a circuitry made of silica chips. This circuitry detects carbon monoxide because it reduces its electrical resistance, triggering the alarm in the process.

Electrochemical Sensor

Electrochemical sensors are chemical solutions that have electrodes. When these electrodes come in contact with carbon monoxide, it change their composition and trigger an alarm.

Once a carbon monoxide alarm goes off, you’ll need to ensure there’s no carbon monoxide present before you can turn it off.

ADT’s Carbon Monoxide Alarms

ADT offers a wide range of home security equipment. This includes equipment that keeps you safe from external, as well as internet threats. Carbon monoxide alarms are one of the most basic equipment ADT offers. It’s included in every ADT package, be it ADT Secure, ADT Smart, and ADT Complete. Furthermore, you can also get it separately if you’re not getting a package.

Final Thoughts

ADT is one of the leading home security solution providers. Its equipment, including the ADT alarms, are thoroughly tested and are fail-proof, making them extremely reliable. If you have any questions, you can reach out to the ADT customer service team today.

 [TMU1]Carbon Monoxide: What It Is, How It Works, and Risks (


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