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What makes Elrond unique?

Elrond uses Adaptive State Sharding, which sets it apart from other sharded blockchains. You might wonder what Adaptive State Sharding is. Through the use of parallel processing, adaptive state sharding integrates the three sharding types of state, transactions, and network.…

What is AAVE?

Decentralized finance is a fantastic yet challenging concept. The crypto community wants to hang the titans of traditional finance by their ties as they depose them, but they also want to do it with enthusiasm, fervour, and memes. One such…

Everything You Need To Know About Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity: What is it? Did you recently come across the phrase in play-to-earn games? Let’s dig in and discover everything about this game based on cryptocurrency. For millions of individuals throughout the world, cryptocurrency is no longer a mystery.…

Sandbox Overview: What is the SAND Coin?

The opportunity for blockchain-based gaming has never been greater. Thanks to the explosive uptake of cryptocurrencies, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and overall decentralized ledger technologies, there’s a global marketplace for gamers looking to buy and sell in-game items on a completely…

What is cryptocurrency Tezos (XTZ) and how does it work?

Tezos (XTZ) is a self-upgrading, open-source blockchain platform for developing and hosting decentralised assets and applications. The obligation for overseeing protocol updates, as well as changes to the governing process itself, falls to Tezos stakeholders. A tezzie or Tez is…

What Is Decentraland (MANA)?

Decentraland is a fully immersive virtual world, similar to games like Skyrim and Fallout. However, you take part in a three-dimensional world rather than playing on a two-dimensional screen. It appears to be the natural next step after developing fully…


The Internet Computer has seen improved growth of its chain, and the team behind this blockchain is moving to implement more features on the roadmap. A groundbreaking pump is on its way as DFINITY shows the true capability of the chain in…

Does Filecoin Have a Promising Future?

Introduction In 2020, several cryptocurrencies shaped up the economic markets around the world. The astronomical growth of Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency, helped millions of investors with quick profits during the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditional financial assets failed to match the…